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Dating Disasters (And How to Avoid Them)

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

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It may come as a surprise, but the locksmiths at ABC Lock & Key are experts in the world of dating advice. You might be thinking, “What could locksmiths possibly know about dating?” but we’d be lying if we said our knowledge and know-how offers the key advice you’re looking for. Especially with Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s essential that you learn everything you can about dating blunders—and more importantly, how to keep them from happening.

It’s true, we offer the best in automotive locksmith and residential locksmith services. It’s also true we can help you change your locks and keys, anytime, anywhere. All of these things come together wonderfully to help ensure your next date doesn’t end in disaster, in ways that might surprise you. Stay tuned for our blog on making your date super great—you might just unlock some excellent advice in the process.

Ex Marks the Spot

When it comes to talking about exes, there’s a time and a place. It doesn’t have to be a forbidden topic, and in fact, can often provide some great insight and depthful conversations. However, the thing to remember with ex conversations is that context is key (no pun intended). On a first date, or in the early stages of dating, talking about the ex might be something to put on the back burner, or bring up in a lighter manner. A true dating blunder is grabbing dinner with someone who only talks about their ex—this is a solid indicator that they’re not completely over everything, and there’s a good chance they’re not ready to move on.

How to Avoid: Make sure the person you’re on a date with knows you’re focused on them. A first date is probably not the time to talk about an ex, or at least not in detail. If/when the conversation comes up, try to find some positives. Even if they hurt you pretty badly, your actions and words speak volumes if you focus on what you learned.

A Little More Than Butterflies

February means flu season, which can result in feeling pretty miserable if you end up getting the bug. The last thing you want to do is cancel a date (especially one you’ve been looking forward to), but we’d argue that the worst case scenario is being violently ill on your date. There’s definitely moments where you might have to grin and bear it when you’re sick, but we’re here to tell you this is not one of those times.

How to Avoid: If you start feeling ill, it’s in your (and your date’s) best interest to stay home. Your date will probably appreciate not being exposed to any germs—although their first concern should always be your well-being. Reschedule the date, make intentions to make it up to them, and thank your date for their understanding.

Locked Out of Love

You have a night of sublime conversation, the dinner was incredible, there’s no mistaking the spark between you and your date, and everything seems practically magical. But this takes a sudden turn as you walk out to your car, only to find that your keys have disappeared. After going to the restaurant, searching the streets, picking through pockets and purses, all seems lost, and the good note you hoped to end the night on has turned sour.

How to Avoid: Keys rarely get lost in convenient circumstances, but fear not! For the emergency locksmith services at ABC Lock & Key are here to make sure your date continues smoothly. Give us a call, see what we can do, and grab a coffee or a glass of wine with that special someone while waiting for us to arrive. Staying calm, cool, and collected is the best thing you can do, and ABC Lock & Key is happy to help.

The dating blunders and disasters might seem like the source of groans and embarrassment, but all can be avoided. Even in scenarios that seem to be hilariously tragic, there’s always a silver lining, and can make for excellent stories later. And never forget—ABC Lock & Key has your back. Contact our team for the best in locksmith services in Nashville! Or for dating advice—we’ll do what we can to help.