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Still Leaving a Key Under the Doormat? Try These Locksmith Tips Instead

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

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Forgot your keys at work? Left your keys in your gym bag, specifically the one that is still sitting in your locker at the gym? Need your neighbor to let the dog out because you’re stuck in traffic? All of these scenarios can be easily remedied, because you’ve got your spare key safely hidden nearby that is easily accessible. Simple, right?

Maybe a few decades ago, but in 2017 it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. Leaving a key under the doormat or the flower pot or any other place that is virtually exposed should no longer be the standard of safety, let alone a back-up plan. There are so many amazing alternatives to deal with the situation of being locked out of a house or car, and we at ABC Lock and Key are more than happy to share these tips with you. Trust the locksmith experts that have served the greater Nashville area for over 15 years—call ABC Lock and Key for all of your locksmith needs today!

Important to note:

Hearing that you shouldn’t be leaving a spare key in an easily accessible place can be misread and misinterpreted as a safety issue. A common misconception is that crime rates have increased over the years. However, evidence and thorough data points to the contrary: The highly accredited Pew Research Center reported that in 2017, “Violent crime in the U.S. has fallen sharply over the past quarter century.” The data analysis went on to conclude that “Like the violent crime rate, the U.S. property crime rate today is far below its peak level. FBI data show that the rate fell 48% between 1993 and 2015.” As explained by the Pew Research Center, “Property crime includes offenses such as burglary, theft and motor vehicle theft and is generally far more common than violent crime.”

This may lead to some questions, for very good reasons. After all, if the property crime rate has decreased significantly in the past quarter century, why do we need to be so careful about where we leave our spare keys?

An article from The Telegraph showed some valuable insight to why this is, and so much of it comes back to common sense. If the average person knows that a spare key can usually be found under a doormat, a planter, or any other type of object that exists in close proximity to the point of entry, then the same goes for the average person who has the intent to commit a burglary.

In 2015, the Telegraph reported that there had been a rise of burglaries in the United Kingdom, and that leaving house keys in easily accessible spots was the direct cause. A home insurance managing director commented on the issue, saying, “While the number of burglaries is falling overall, it is alarming to see that the number of thefts where the burglar used a key is increasing.”

Thirty years ago or so, leaving a spare key in a “hidden” (but still exposed and easily accessible) spot might not have been nearly as common practice, but the same cannot be said today. Even though property crime as a whole has been on the decline, the rates of burglaries that have gained entry through spare keys that were found has increased. With all that in mind, check out some alternative solutions to hiding keys from the locksmith experts at ABC Lock and Key.

Install a garage door opener keypad.

Many families and homeowners opt for keeping the door that connects their garage with their home unlocked, and then investing in a lock system for the garage door itself. With a programmable garage door opener keypad, you can easily set a numerical code that will grant access to your home. You can give the code out as needed, which is a much safer practice than leaving your physical key available to anyone who feels like looking for a way in. Cracking a garage door code is a much more challenging feat than searching for a not-so-hidden object.

As an additional tip and security measure, work towards not having your code be a physically available thing for anyone to find. Try to limit yourself on writing down the code, perhaps opting for digitally storing it on a phone or other device instead.

Look into wireless entry.

Some say that physical keys are on their way to becoming obsolete, especially with methods that are allowing for remote entry to your home. With a wireless entry system, you can control your home’s locks from a smartphone, or any device connected to the internet. One example from Kwikset can even give you notifications when someone enters your home. This technology is relatively newer, and comes with its own set of issues that could arise, but it will be interesting to see where it develops.

Invest in a Bluetooth-connected key box.

This is a great option for anyone who does not have access to a garage. If you’re living in a condo or an apartment, for example, you very well might not have a personal garage. This is less of a concern if your apartment’s entrance is on the interior of the complex or building. However, if the entrance is exterior-facing, a Bluetooth-connected key box might be a great investment for you.

With this device, you can store keys in what is essentially a small lock box, but with some seriously impressive higher-tech features. For example, reports on a model from Master Lock state that “access to the box can be managed through an app, so you can give your contacts access, restrict opening times, or lock it down entirely.” Technology is seriously the best.

Work with an emergency locksmith.

Losing our keys or forgetting them can happen to the best of us, no matter how planned and organized we might be. Because of this, you should have a residential locksmith with 24-hour locksmith services in mind (as well as readily accessible). Whether you need keys replaced or simply need to get back into your car or house, the best locksmiths can do it all. Having the information for an emergency locksmith should be programmed into your phone, because your keys don’t tend the best time to get lost or left behind.

Call the locksmith experts at ABC Lock and Key, serving the greater Nashville area with the best and most trusted in locksmith services. From residential locksmith services to commercial locksmith services and more, we are the key ingredient in making sure your locked out situations go as smoothly as possible. Work with ABC Lock and Key today!