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When It’s Time to Change the Locks
When It’s Time to Change the Locks


Summer is turning into fall, the break turned into back-to-school, and like so many parts of life, change is imminent. And just as the seasons change, some other changes might also need to be made around the house. You guessed it, we’re talking changing the locks. Changing locks can seem... Read More →

When to Call an Emergency Locksmith
When to Call an Emergency Locksmith

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Even if you haven’t heard the specific term “PKW,” it’s probably something you do multiple times a day. For many of us, before we step out of any door, we feel around to make sure we have the crucial elements of PKW, those being your phone, your keys, and your... Read More →

What to Do if You’re Locked Out of Your House
What to Do if You’re Locked Out of Your House

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Nothing will cause a groan and/or sigh of disappointment faster than realizing you’ve been locked out of your house. Getting locked out is simply one of those inconveniences we face, and it’s especially frustrating because we know that we are the ones who are responsible (special occasions exempted). We can... Read More →

Still Leaving a Key Under the Doormat? Try These Locksmith Tips Instead
Still Leaving a Key Under the Doormat? Try These Locksmith Tips Instead

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Forgot your keys at work? Left your keys in your gym bag, specifically the one that is still sitting in your locker at the gym? Need your neighbor to let the dog out because you’re stuck in traffic? All of these scenarios can be easily remedied, because you’ve got your... Read More →